
A fragrance born from the whispers of the elements and meticulously curated by our skilled perfumers reveals tales of Nature’s splendour and heavenly signals reign supreme. A mesmerising scent that never goes out of season. Crafted with devotion in our exclusive laboratories, this olfactory masterpiece is elegantly presented in a bottle as precious as the memories it invokes. An aromatic model that enchants as it pours. EDP 50 ML “AAYAH” Flaunt it confidently.

Fragrance Notes
Top Notes – Tropical Fruits, Tangerine & Rose

Heart Notes – Sandalwood, Rose & Orange Flower

Base Notes – Malaysian Oud, Indian Oud, Vietnamese Oud, Musk, Ambroxan

The iconic summer oud fragrance pays homage to the mystical powers of spring, weaving a poetic tale of bloom and prosperity. A true offspring of Mother Nature herself.


Original price was: ر.ق175.000.Current price is: ر.ق158.000.
